The way is shut

Artwork for a Dungeons and Dragons campaign
Primarily experimenting with a central camera viewpoint, similar to previous 3D Art Pieces I have created, as shown through my portfolio. I aimed to keep the characters central with the viewpoint and environment design. This view didn't feel correct however, and I decided to change the point of view in order to create a more dynamic and interesting shot.
After finding a viewpoint I was pleased with, I moved onto Texturing and Lighting. At this stage, I wasn't happy with how flat and shiny the textures were looking. The Lighting was off to a good start, but I wasn't completely happy with how dark the scene was looking. The more subtle lighting design I had in mind for the rocks in the dark was not coming across correctly, as shown below.
After adding a few volumetric effects, I decided the textures were not working completely and decided to re-do them. The updated textures felt far better, as the walls now looked like they were rock walls. This allowed me to experiment with lighting in order to accentuate the highlights better for the regions in the dark.

FInal Render

Once I was happy with the final render, I moved onto Post-Production in Photoshop with overall colour correction, subtle photo bashing and painting small details into different areas of the image.

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